
  • Track your income and expense by creating diary.
  • Each diary have separate income and expense list.
  • Total income and total expense is calculated automatically.
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  • This application is specifically designed for product suppliers(vendors) who have to regularly give estimations to their customer when ever they have inquiry.
  • you can share your estimation using three different format text,csv(excel) or pdf. Estimation will ask for format before sharing with your client.
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  • Easy estimates and invoice generation and payment tracking.
  • Estimations -> Invoices, Products, Customers(Import from contacts), Settings.
  • Customer name and address.
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Features our users love


Multiple devices

Access your data from multiple devices like desktop, laptop and mobile.



Graphical view of your data by different categries you have created.


Tag support

Tag your transactions for better analysis and graphical view of your data.


Search Transaction

Search your historical transactions which gives insights to your spendings.


Download Reports

Download balance report with income and expense summary for each account.


  • In order to use saralhisab app, you must have an account.
  • Register:If you do not have an account, click on Register button and fill the registration form and register your account.
  • Once you register successfully. Enter your registered mobile number and password in login screen and clik Login button
  • Forgot Password If you forgot your password, don't worry click on forgot password button and follow the process.


  • Diaries:This menu will open diaries screen where you can see all your diaries(account).
  • Profile: You can see your profile detail here. Like your name, registered mobile number and email.
  • Change Password:To change a password you can use this option.
  • Logout: To logout from the application click on this button.


  • Diaries list will show your all of your diaries(accounts) with balance.
  • On top you can see over all income, expense and balance.
  • You can download balance report which contains all diaries income , expense and balance summary
  • New Diary: To create a new diary click on + icon and fill the detail in form
  • Search: You can search diary using search icon and go to that diary.


  • For each diary you will see two tabs, one is Expense and other is Income.
  • Expense Entry: You can see date wise entries and total for that perticular date. If there is a tag in entry it will be displayed below time.
  • Total expense amount can be seen on top right.
  • Search: To search expense click on search button and enter search text.
  • New Expense: To create a new expense click on + button and fill the expense form

Expense Form

  • To create a new expense you must have to add amount, detail and date.
  • Tags: It is great if you can add tag for your entry for better categorization.
  • Save: To save detail click on save button in the form
  • Delete: While editing the entry you will see delete button on top right corner. To delete the entry click delete icon.


  • In expense form when you tap on tags it will open this screen.
  • Pick the right tags for your entry. You can pick multiple tags for your entry.
  • Later on while searching you can search expense by tags.

Download options

  • To download PDF click on three dot in the expense list screen.
  • Expense PDF: To download expense list.
  • Income PDF: To download income list
  • Balance PDF: To download income and expense list in single PDF use this option.

See what other have to say

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