

  • In order to use saralhisab app, you must have an account.
  • Register:If you do not have an account, click on Register button and fill the registration form and register your account.
  • Once you register successfully. Enter your registered mobile number and password in login screen and clik Login button
  • Forgot Password If you forgot your password, don't worry click on forgot password button and follow the process.


  • Diaries:This menu will open diaries screen where you can see all your diaries(account).
  • Profile: You can see your profile detail here. Like your name, registered mobile number and email.
  • Change Password:To change a password you can use this option.
  • Logout: To logout from the application click on this button.


  • Diaries list will show your all of your diaries(accounts) with balance.
  • On top you can see over all income, expense and balance.
  • You can download balance report which contains all diaries income , expense and balance summary
  • New Diary: To create a new diary click on + icon and fill the detail in form
  • Search: You can search diary using search icon and go to that diary.


  • For each diary you will see two tabs, one is Expense and other is Income.
  • Expense Entry: You can see date wise entries and total for that perticular date. If there is a tag in entry it will be displayed below time.
  • Total expense amount can be seen on top right.
  • Search: To search expense click on search button and enter search text.
  • New Expense: To create a new expense click on + button and fill the expense form

Expense Form

  • To create a new expense you must have to add amount, detail and date.
  • Tags: It is great if you can add tag for your entry for better categorization.
  • Save: To save detail click on save button in the form
  • Delete: While editing the entry you will see delete button on top right corner. To delete the entry click delete icon.


  • In expense form when you tap on tags it will open this screen.
  • Pick the right tags for your entry. You can pick multiple tags for your entry.
  • Later on while searching you can search expense by tags.

Download options

  • To download PDF click on three dot in the expense list screen.
  • Expense PDF: To download expense list.
  • Income PDF: To download income list
  • Balance PDF: To download income and expense list in single PDF use this option.

Just ₹150 per month

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